Getting a letter from Social Security saying you owe them money is a frightening experience to say the least. The overpayment could be as little as $1.00 or in the hundreds of thousands. The letter always requests refund within 30 days, right! How is that going to happen? What do you do? What is your first step? Invariably the letter will arrive late Friday, and now you will have all weekend to worry. We hope that what we tell you can help with some of the panic and anxiety as you do have other options besides making an immediate refund. After you read this 15 page guide, you should be able to sleep nights and better deal with the long arm of the government.
Getting a letter from Social Security saying you owe them money is a frightening experience to say the least. The overpayment could be as little as $1.00 or in the hundreds of thousands. The letter always requests refund within 30 days, right! How is that going to happen? What do you do? What is your first step? Invariably the letter will arrive late Friday, and now you will have all weekend to worry. We hope that what we tell you can help with some of the panic and anxiety as you do have other options besides making an immediate refund. After you read this 15 page guide, you should be able to sleep nights and better deal with the long arm of the government.